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Heirloom Sweet Flint Popping Corn

Heirloom Sweet Flint Popping Corn

Thousands of years ago, in these very lands, flint corn was toasted in hot sand until the kernels popped. The small and delicate Appalachian heirloom flint corn we now offer certainly handles its age with remarkable grace and taste. When was the last time you tasted popcorn that left impressions of sweet corn and honeysuckle rising from toasted corn, and a final palate statement of pure sweetness? When was the last time you experienced perfect light crackle and trace tenderness in a tiny white explosion? Heirloom flint popping corn is the last corn we plant, and the last corn we harvest. The field risk associated with an extended growing season alone demands extraordinary patience—a patience based on the seasonal farming rhythms that were practiced by Native Americans before settlers arrived and by Appalachian frontier farmers during our colonial era. It is patience handsomely rewarded by this lovely popping corn.

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